The Dichotomy of Life
It's summer now. I'm watching my daughter play outside and remembering what it was like to be young again. Being a parent can be a double edged sword. On one hand, you get to experience the joys of childhood through the eyes of your child. On the other, you're reminded of what you're missing out on now that you've "grown up".
Do you remember how long the days seemed when you were young? An hour seemed like an eternity to me back then. Unless, of course, I was out playing. I wasn't afraid of what people might think of me. All I knew was, I was having fun. The sillier I looked, the more fun it was.
The older I get, the quicker time seems to slip away. It was just yesterday when my daughter was born. Tomorrow she'll be dating. 16 years in the span of two days, or so it would seem.
These days, I usually stop to ask, "What will the neighbors think?" I find myself afraid to look silly in front of others. When did this happen? Am I old because I ask this question or do I ask this question because I'm old?
I've decided that I'm too young to be old. 35 may have seemed ancient when I was a kid, but I still have a lot of life left in me. It's time to start enjoying the small things again. Who cares what the neighbors think.
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